Monday, January 20, 2014

Puppet Management

Lets, move one step ahead and clean up site.pp and follow a hierarchy in which resources should be setup, which is necessary, working with puppet.

/etc/puppet contains two important directories manifests and modules.


|-- auth.conf
|-- fileserver.conf
|-- manifests
|   |-- nodes
|   |   |-- client1.pp
|   |   |-- client2.pp
|   |   `-- server.pp
|   `-- site.pp
|-- modules
|   |-- accounts
|   |   `-- manifests
|   |       |-- init.pp
|   |       `-- system.pp
|   |-- elinks
|   |   `-- manifests
|   |       `-- init.pp
|   |-- nmap
|   |   `-- manifests
|   |       `-- init.pp
|   `-- s3cmd
|       `-- manifests
|           `-- init.pp
`-- puppet.conf


|   |-- nodes
|   |   |-- client1.pp
|   |   |-- client2.pp
|   |   `-- server.pp
|   `-- site.pp


|   |-- accounts
|   |   `-- manifests
|   |       |-- init.pp
|   |       `-- system.pp
|   |-- elinks
|   |   `-- manifests
|   |       `-- init.pp
|   |-- nmap
|   |   `-- manifests
|   |       `-- init.pp
|   `-- s3cmd
|       `-- manifests
|           `-- init.pp

Edit file /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp

import 'nodes/*.pp'

Create directory /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes and create files with respective node name prefix in the nodes directory, in our case - server.pp - client1.pp - client2.pp

Edit file /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes/server.pp

node '' {

Edit file /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes/client1.pp

node '' {

Edit file /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes/client2.pp

node '' {

Now, lets create modules for the packages to be installed on the clients.
Remember, we used nmap in our previous post, lets take it again.

Change to directory /etc/puppet/modules

create directory with package name to be installed on clients, create a sub directory with name as manifests in the package directory.


|-- nmap
|   `-- manifests

Next, we will create a init.pp file. The puppet autoloader convention require all modules contain an init.pp file that contains a class or define that matches the module name.

Create and edit file /etc/puppet/modules/nmap/manifests/init.pp

class nmap {
case $operatingsystem {
        centos, redhat: {
        package { "nmap":
        ensure => installed,
        debian, ubuntu: {
        package { "nmap":
        ensure => installed,

Now, lets get back to main manifests directory having nodes and include package class.

Edit file /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes/client2.pp

node '' {
    include nmap

Before, applying changes lets create simple bash scripts for master and clients to apply and fetch changes respectively.

On master server : CentOS

Create and edit file - /usr/bin/papply


/usr/bin/puppet apply -v  /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp

On client server :Ubuntu

Create and edit file - /usr/bin/pagent


/usr/bin/puppet  agent -v --test

On master server : CentOS

Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.07 seconds

On client server :Ubuntu

Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1390207277'
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.41 seconds

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